Madness.. That's what gets you in the end isn't it?
For all of you out there who freak out and don't know what to do in a stressful, trying and unknown situation I have a tip in picture nr 2.
If you've know the game and have the same bad night-humor as me you'll get it.
För alla er där ute som inte vet vad ni ska ta er till i en stressig, påfrestande och okänd situation har jag ett tips i bild nr 2.
Om du har koll på spelet och lika dålig natt-humor som mig så förstår du nog det roliga.
She woke up in a panic and couldn't see in the thick darkness that surrounded her. Everything seamed unfamiliar. Where was she and how did she get here?
The Mortal Instruments
When my dear friend Evve was here a couple of weeks ago and she had the first book in the series 'The Mortal Instruments' wich is called 'City of Bones' with her. She had finished it on her way here and asked if I would like to read it. I've seen the film based on the book in question and I loved it and we all know they always miss out on a bunch of stuff when they're making a movie based on a book. Therefor I always prefer (when possible) to watch the film before I reed the book, if I do it the other way around I always end up hating the movie.
Filled with excitement and expectation it's now time for me to get started on this book. I'll keep you posted on my opinion of the book. If you have read it I'd love to know your thoughts on it.
Har fått låna en bok av Evve, första i serien 'The Mortal Instruments' och den heter 'City of Bones' på orginalspråket men 'Stad av Skuggor' på svenska. Jag har sett filmen som getts ut och som baserades på denna boken. Jag älskade filmen och vill därför gärna läsa boken också. När det är möjligt så föredrar jag att se filmen/filmerna före jag läser boken/böckerna i fråga som de är baserade på eftersom de alltid missar massor och läser jag boken före så hatar jag alltid filmen just därför.
Med spänning och förväntan har det nu blivit dags för mig att läsa denna bok. Jag kommer hålla er uppdaterade om vad jag tycker om den. Har du läst boken får du jätte gärna berätta vad du tyckte om den.
Evveluna & Julia II
The second day I took them into town to show them around, check out some stores, shop and eat lunch. We didn't have the time to do much more since I had to work that afternoon and until the next day.
Lunch: Raw Food Café
Evve and Julia bought a semla each since it was Shrove Tuesday and I bought some tulips instead.
Den andra dagen tog jag dem in till stan för att visa runt dem, kolla in några butiker, shoppa och äta lunch, vilket vi gjorde på Raw Food Café. Vi hade inte tid att göra mycket mer eftersom jag var tvungen att arbeta på eftermiddagen och fram till nästa dag.
På vägen hem så köpte Julia och Evve varsin semla eftersom der var fettisdag och jag köpte mig lite tulpaner istället.
To draw or not to draw..
I'm sick and have been so for a week by an awful cold. I'm restoring myself to health with some costume dramas and drawing. I haven't been drawing anything for years so I thought it was about time to start again.
These are the flowers I tried to draw.
And this is how it turned out.
And this is how it turned out.
And this is a second drawing that I've started working on.
These are only quick drawings, I haven't put a lot time into them and I won't put any more time into the flowers but I will on the second one. I have to do some altercations because it's not consistent with the picture.
I'd love to know your toughts on my drawings both good and bad, please be kind and share your opinions.
Evveluna & Julia
Last week I had two of my dearest friends here in Borås on a short visit. I didn't realise just how much I've missed them and how big the void are that they leave behind. We only got three whole days together so we had things planned from the minute we got up until we were going to bed again. Unfortunately we didn't have the time to do all the things we wanted to do but I'll see to that we'll do it the next time they are here. It didn't matter all that much though, we had a blast anyways.
They got here late on monday evening and I knew they would be tired and hungry from traveling all day so I had already made the guest bed for them and prepared an evening snack for them in the form of a picnic on my floor with lots of pillows and blankets, cozy. I had also lit lots of candles all over the apartment.
They got here late on monday evening and I knew they would be tired and hungry from traveling all day so I had already made the guest bed for them and prepared an evening snack for them in the form of a picnic on my floor with lots of pillows and blankets, cozy. I had also lit lots of candles all over the apartment.
Since we didn't get to see eachother over christmas we exchanged our gifts during the meal.
Julia loves blue and liquorice therefore she got blue bedclothes/sheets and towels and some liquorice flavoured candy on her pillow.
Evve loves pink and chocolate so she got pink bedclothes/sheets and towels and a small chocolatebar on her pillow.
Evve loves pink and chocolate so she got pink bedclothes/sheets and towels and a small chocolatebar on her pillow.
This is what the picnic looked like
and these are the gifts I got, all homemade by Julia. I haven't tried them out yet because they look so pretty in their jars. But I will, some day.
Förra veckan hade jag två av mina käraste vänner här i Borås på ett kort besök. Jag insåg inte hur mycket jag har saknat dem och hur stort tomrum de lämnar efter sig. Vi fick bara tre hela dagar tillsammans så vi hade saker planerat från den stund vi klev upp fram till vi gick och la oss igen. Tyvärr hade vi inte tid att göra alla de saker som vi ville göra, men jag ska se till att vi gör det nästa gång de är här. Det spelade dock ingen större att vi inte hann med allt eftersom vi hade jätte kul ändå.
De kom hit sent på måndag kväll och jag visste de skulle trötta och hungrig från att ha rest hela dagen så jag hade redan bäddat gästsängen i deras favorit färger och lagt en godis på deras kuddar med den smak de gillar bäst och förberett kvällsmat åt dem i form av en picknick på mitt golv med massor av kuddar och filtar, mysigt. Jag hade även tänt massor av ljus i hela lägenheten.
Eftersom vi inte fick se varandra över julen så bytte vi våra julklappar medan vi fikade. Jag fick hemmagjord deo, hudkräm och sugar scrub, typ något strösocker liknande med polkagrissmak från Julia.